
The word "Maskne" is a combination of the words "Mask" and "Acne", which refers to various skin problems caused by frequent wearing of masks. Mask'ne skin problems may include dark spots, acne, inflammation, redness, itching, skin sensitivity, inducing or exacerbating folliculitis and eczema. If your skin has the above conditions, please read the following article patiently.

What causes Mask'ne?

What results in mask

You may not notice the friction of the mask on your skin after wearing it, but in fact speaking and facial movements while wearing the mask will aggravate the friction on your skin and cause irritation. If you are sensitive or allergic to the material of the mask, wearing it for a long time will make your skin sensitive and red, turning it into sensitive skin.

How to fight Mask'ne?

1. Change masks frequently

First of all, when your face sweats a lot and the mask is stained with sweat, please replace it with a new one in time.
The fibers of the mask will absorb sweat and oil, making it impossible for air to circulate inside the mask. The skin will continue to sweat and produce oil, which will aggravate skin irritation and clog pores.

2. Gentle cleansing of skin

Use a gentle cleanser to remove excess oil, sweat, and bacteria, and be careful not to over-cleanse.

Mild facial cleansers without foaming agents are enough for cleansing. Using cleansing products containing a large amount of foaming agents will wash away the epidermal lipid film on the surface of the skin, destroying the protective effect of the lipid film on the skin.

Also avoid using cleansers that contain alcohol or fragrances, which can cause irritation and make it harder for your symptoms to heal.

3. Anti-mask skin care products

Choose skin care products with natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ingredients that can deeply moisturize the skin while keeping it fresh, such as essences and creams specially designed for mask skin. These can help reduce the discomfort and damage caused by the friction of the mask on the skin, such as red rash, sensitivity, The symptoms of acne breakouts are greatly reduced.

If you are looking for such products, you can browse Natural Mask Essence. Natural organic calendula and chamomile flower oils are effective anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, while moisturizing ingredients such as jojoba oil and high-concentration hyaluronic acid (a hydrating tool) can help the skin retain moisture for a long time.

Anti Mask

"Wearing masks can cause "maskne" due to clogged pores from trapped substances like bacteria and oil. Friction from mask material can irritate skin. Prevent maskne by keeping skin hydrated, using noncomedogenic products, and using an Anti-Maskne Serum with hyaluronic acid, Alpha-Bisabolol Natural, and calendula extract."

Expiry Date: 12 months

  • Reduce Acne
  • Prevent Maskne Formation
  • Hypoallergenic-Tested
  • Natural & Organic
  • Food Grade Clean Beauty

4. Moisturize regularly

Moisturize your skin with a moisturizer several times a day to maintain a healthy skin barrier. Wipe away sweat and oil before applying moisturizer.

If it is inconvenient to moisturize frequently, it is recommended to choose a mild, long-lasting natural moisturizing cream, which can lock the moisture in the skin once in the morning and evening, moisturizing and not making it greasy.

5. Get proper rest

If possible, try to take a 15-minute break every four hours.

Of course, masks should only be removed when it is safe to do so and after washing hands. When taking a break from your mask, use the opportunity to cleanse your skin with a gentle product and reapply moisturizer.
The daily cleansing process can gently massage the face to promote facial blood circulation and relax facial muscles.

Also avoid using cleansers that contain alcohol or fragrances, which can cause irritation and make it harder for your symptoms to heal.

6. It is not recommended to apply Vaseline

Wearing a mask will dry out your skin. Please use natural and organic skin care products. It is not recommended to apply Vaseline as a moisturizer.

We have also discussed the myths about Vaseline before. Vaseline doesn't really moisturize and may make it difficult for your skin to breathe, causing clogged pores.

When you find that you have mask skin problems, don’t worry too much. Choose high-quality masks, use natural skin care products and cosmetics to reduce the burden on your skin, strengthen skin moisturizing, rest and relax properly, and stay away from mask skin together!