黃金週禮盒套裝 1

Organic Family Pack Collection Set 1 - Ms. Chu Soap & Beaut

黃金週禮盒套裝 1

原價 $277.00 特價 $203.00 節省 $74
  • 庫存充足,預備發貨
  • 補貨中

· 嬰兒有機洗頭沐浴液, 250mL *1

· 有機滋養沐浴液, 250mL *1

· 有機頭皮舒緩洗頭水, 250mL *1

· 有機均衡潤髮乳, 250mL *1

· 家庭沐浴旅遊套裝, 50mL *1

1. 嬰兒有機洗頭沐浴液, 250mL


2. 有機滋養沐浴液, 250mL

這款植物提煉的沐浴液能溫和地去除污垢及滋養皮膚外,同時能促進細胞重新,讓皮膚變得更光澤。有機羅望子萃取鞏固皮膚抵抗力及猴面包樹蛋白能有效地修復紫外光造成的傷害。 是代替傳統香皂的怡人之選。

3, 有機頭皮舒緩洗頭水, 250mL

此天然配方洗髮水蘊含髮絲氨基酸,不會堵塞毛孔,也沒有隱藏的化學刺激物,能溫和潔淨頭髮及頭皮。所使用的活性成份如沒藥醇可促進頭皮的癒合過程並促進頭髮健康生長。 馬尾提取物從根部強化頭髮,平衡皮脂分泌​​,有效緩解和預防頭皮問題,柔軟髮絲。

4, 有機均衡潤髮乳, 250mL

含有機水解大豆蛋白及月見草油的滋養潤髮配方,能有效鎖住水分,讓頭髮變得更柔軟順滑。 此潤髮乳富含胺基酸及低敏配方,深層滋潤髮質同時不會阻塞毛囊。讓秀髮散發迷人的活力香氣。適合大部分髮質,包括細軟、脆弱的頭髮。

5. 家庭沐浴旅遊套裝

這款旅遊套裝包括:嬰兒有機洗頭沐浴液50mL 、有機滋養沐浴液50mL、有機頭皮舒緩洗頭水50mL、有機均衡潤髮乳50mL。

  • 敏感肌適用
  • 天然有機
  • 食品級別護膚
運費 在結賬時計算.

Hong Kong Shipping

Free shipping in Hong Kong on all orders over HK$400 (net). Flat Rate HK$40 on orders under HK$400.

Orders are processed within 2 working days with estimated delivery within 1-2 working days. You will receive an email containing a tracking number once your order is shipped.

All sale and discounted items are final and is not eligible for return and refund. Regrettably, returns for reasons of general dissatisfaction or change of mind cannot be offered.

We shall arrange a refund should the item received is damaged or defected. Please send us a detailed email to info@mschusoapandbeaut.com within the reason of return within 14 days of delivery and we will provide return and mail information. No returns are accepted unless agreed and confirmed by Ms. Chu Soap & Beaut via email. We shall notify you via email once your return is received and approved for a refund. For approved refund, please allow 3 weeks for the refund to be credited back to your card.


